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Bringing Astronomy to Rural Communities of Colombia

We want to bring the fascinating science of astronomy to classrooms in rural Colombia.


We strongly believe that astronomy can be a powerful tool to inspire and educate students in science. We are confident that participation in this project will contribute significantly to the educational development of the participating students. In our BARCo kit, we will provide resources and guides built by professional astronomers for teachers to successfully develop activities with their students.

La astronomía va a tu colegio: Inicio


Show astronomy in Colombia (even as a professional path)
Promote science in rural areas of the country and interconnect them through astronomy.
Use astronomy as a tool for peace
Motivate students, especially girls, with examples of Colombian astronomers as role models.
Encourage cooperation among students to become agents of change in their communities
Explore creativity to highlight cultural aspects and their connections to astronomy

BARCo participating schools

We are happy to reach (so far) 104 schools in ALL of Colombia.

BARCo kit activities

Find out what we have developed to include in the Kit activities.

Get to know our work team

Together we work to make this project possible

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Sofía Rojas

PhD Astronomy
Postdoc at the University of California - Los Angeles, USA.


Natalia Oliveros

PhD (c) Astronophysics

Johns Hopkins University, USA

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Juan P Uchima

          PhD (c) Astronomy

     University of La Serena,



Nataly Ospina

​Talent attraction program researcher Maria Zambrano - Autonomous University of Madrid


Laura Ramirez

PhD (c) Astronomy

University of Geneva

Geneva, Switzerland


Felipe Ortiz

Geology Est. - Halley UIS

Industrial University of

Santander, Colombia

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Juan P Carvajal

PhD (c) Astronomy

Pontifical Catholic University of Chile


Angela Perez

MSc. Education - NAE LeaderC Colombia and the Medellín Planetarium

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Kevin Villegas

Physics Engingeering student - Observatory UTP at Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia


Juan Angel Duque

Physics student - Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia

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Physics student - Halley Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia

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